Social Trends to Watch!

With a bunch of trends buzzing for 2024, it's ok to keep an eye out and utilize those that work best for your brand. As a starting point, let's zero in on three key areas that deserve our focus:

1️⃣ Social SEO Unleashed: Transform your content strategy by merging the power of social media and SEO. Optimize your posts for search engines, ensuring your brand shines bright in the digital landscape.

2️⃣ Dive into Long(er) Form Videos: Capture attention and tell richer stories with longer-form videos (2-5 minutes). As attention spans grow, take advantage of platforms supporting longer content to convey your brand narrative more comprehensively.

3️⃣ Shares Over Likes and Comments: In 2024, the focus shifts to shareable content. Craft pieces that resonate deeply, encouraging your audience to share and amplify your brand organically. Shares are the new currency!

Are you engaging how you should?

Engagement is one of the main steps towards social media marketing success. After getting your content posted, make sure you follow up and connect with your audience. Daily engagements, even if only 5 minutes, will help you stay seen. So reach out, answer your comments, add to your stories, delete spam, comment on others’ feeds in a meaningful way and engage!

Always add a Call to Action (CTA) to your posts!

Here’s your social media marketing tip for today: always include a call to action (CTA) in your bios and your captions. What are you asking your audience to do with the information you are giving them?

Are you asking them to click on a link? Register for an event? Answer a question? Voice a concern? Support a local business? Always include a CTA and you will see engagement of all of your posts noticeably increase!

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