Red Root Summer News

We have so many fabulous things brewing for the fall and can't wait to share just a few with you! 

  • Our new fall workshops will include Small Biz Growth Strategies and Getting a Jump on Holiday Marketing.

  • We are planning a 5-week Incubator Series for Small Biz Owners at the Red Root office in Verona. Our vision is to provide local entrepreneurs with Space, Knowledge and Support to Plan for Growth. Stay tuned for more info on this amazing opportunity and email us here if you want to get in on the ground floor as spots will be extremely limited.

What kind of support for your business do YOU Need? Contact us here today to discuss. 

Inspiration Fuels Growth and Quiets Doubt

Business owners and entrepreneurs, really anyone who is building her own future, always needs one thing. Inspiration.

Inspiration is an amazing ingredient. It drowns out the doubts and negative thoughts that might be rattling around our minds. Inspiration is that energetic, hard rocking sound track that gets us through a boot camp workout by muffling our screeching muscles.

Without inspiration, that hockey stick in the business plan is merely aspirational and so daunting. With inspiration, it’s an audacious goal that will be achieved with focus, drive and hard work that we love.

For those of us who run businesses and guide clients in growing theirs, inspiration is in short supply and we must demand it in all we do. Our business partners must inspire us. Our staff must inspire us. Our strategic vendors must inspire us. And, your social media and marketing agency must inspire you.

At Red Root Marketing, we consider inspiration one of our most important qualities. When we leave a meeting with our client, we hope they are energized by the possibilities of having their company, their brand, become a vibrant community hub via social media and smart strategy. The excitement we feel about our clients’ businesses reflects our optimism in their goals and we’re here to help make them happen – by connecting a client’s online presence to key community influencers, establishing a more effective pricing model, or helping a client understand what her customers think about the company’s product. Inspiration needs to be central to all of those services we provide.

What inspires you? Who inspires you? We’d love to know!