SEO the Organic Way

Many business owners worry about how prospective clients will find them online. One of the easiest and most effective ways for potential clients to find you and your business, is to add new content to your website and social media platforms. 

Sounds too good to be true? Studies show that the more fresh content you post and the more activity happening on your social media pages and your website, the more frequently a search engine will visit your site.

So, how to create fresh content with so little time? Create a content calendar (Red Root has one you can download here) with some ideas about what you want to write (short and sweet is sometimes the best method) and a graphic and you can spend less than an hour a week scheduling these posts on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Remember to create and reuse a list of A) Pertinent Keywords that may show up in searches for your business (Red Root example: social media, social media marketing, marketing, events, small business, entrepreneurs, north jersey) and B) Hash Tags (Red Root example: #socialmedia #growwithredroot #locallove #hyperlocal). Use both of these things on a regular basis in your posts and on your website.

Questions? Call us 973 650 0960 or email us at

Happy posting!
